
Festivalul românesc în Arizona

Acesta este un eveniment anual organizat la biserica ortodoxă română Sfântul Ioan Botezătorul din Glendale. Evenimentul are loc de obicei în prima jumătate a lunii noiembrie. Mici, ciorbă de burtă, ciorbă de perișoare, langoșe, prăjituri, sarmale, clătite, bar deschis contra cost și must. Mai multe informații despre biserica ortodoxă română Sfântul Ioan Botezătorul pot fi găsite în secțiunea religie pe pagina principală a acestui site.

(Friday, October 18, 2024)

American Romanian Cultural Society (ARCS) Arizona

ARCS Arizona wants to be an energizing participant in the vibrant multicultural scene of the Phoenix metropolitan area. One of our major goals is to weave more deeply and substantially the Romanian cultural spirit into the fabric of Greater Phoenix artistic life, by engaging local cultural and educational communities and institutions in collaborative events and programs. We also aim to serve as a dynamic connection between the Arizona Romanian community and Romania’s contemporary artistic movements, other like-minded diasporic communities, and, more generally, all the people of Arizona. We are hoping that our work will be especially appealing to those who love to be surprised, those who like to explore fresh perspectives, those who are eager to discover new worlds of meaning and experience, and those who constantly need unique formulas to nourish their minds and souls.

(Friday, October 18, 2024)